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someone....please get back to this wonderful publisher. ????? j

We've started our second year of printed publication and now publish a quarterly journal in print and zine call Grey Sparrow.

I would like to send our printed journals on for consideration of the poetry offered at the Sparrow, but I've not heard from anyone regarding submissions since my last post here. If I do not hear from anyone, I will trust I'm asking at the wrong website--my deepest apologies. You can find our zine by Googling Grey Sparrow Journal.

Best Regards,

Diane Smith
Grey Sparrow Journal
A Nonprofit Corporation
St. Paul, Minnesota

Thank you very much for this site on The Best American Poetry.I was searching the living British poets and I came across this source. I have been impressed by the names, views and opinions. I wonder if Jennifer M.Hecht is a (grand)daughter of Anthony Hecht with whose name and poems I became familiar in a summer school in UCLA in 1976. I wish to discover the newer America through her poets. Thank you.

Like Diane Smith of Grey Sparrow, I could not find a contact email address on any of the pages of your site. How does someone ask you guys a question?

And I wonder if anyone is assigned to look at the comments made on your 'Who We Are' page. I notice that it has been months since Ms. Smith made her first comment and a month since her second and no answer has been posted.

I would very much like to make some inquiries on several subjects relating to contemporary American poetry. Specifically on the selection criteria used by your editors to determine who might participate under such a banner as "The Best" and how many formats that participation encompasses (print, online, audio, video, etc.)

Thanks for you time and attention to this matter,
Beau Blue
Blue's Cruzio Cafe

Although Internet protocol does not oblige anyone to reply to a comment, it pleases me to say that "The Best American Poetry" has been published annually since 1988. The books are readily available, and the individual volumes themselves spell out our policies. 75 poems per year are chosen from magazines, not books, by a guest editor, himself or herself a distinguished practitioner of the art. Translations are ineligible.
It still astonishes me that some poets submit their work to publications they do not read, though I hear about this regularly from editors.
We're grateful to Marija Liudvika for her interest. Jennifer Michael Hecht, a wonderful poet and prose writer with the liveliest of philosophical minds, is not (to my knowledge) related to the late Anthony Hecht (whose versemaking finesse is exemplary).

Beau and Diane: If you visit the "about" page (link above in the navigation bar), you find an e-mail option.

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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