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December 21, 2009


Truly, the best, the BEST Christmas movie ever is Truman Capote's "A Christmas Memory" narrated by Capote from a 1966 TV movie...the only place I've been able to locate it is on youtube, in a series of 6. God bless youtube. Happy Holidays!

Lovely writing, Michael...and isn't she just the cat's pajamas? She was my dad's fave actress when they were both much younger so I've always watched her with particular interest...I used to know Preston Sturgess, Jr when kids were in preschool together and he was always so amused by my enthusiasm for his dad's flicks...esp The Lady Eve! I know you, you will not be totally alone on Christmas, as you adored by all your myriad friends...but know I will have a tender thought for you...see you 'round campus (and of course you know Larry Gross)...Merry Christmas

This is a lovely post. Has Barbara Stanwyck ever been in a bad movie or been bad (as in not good acting) in a movie? I can't think of a single instance. Thanks for reminding us of these wonderful films. Merry Christmas to you too.

You know Sally I'm not familiar with that film by Capote. I'll have to check it out. And thanks Cheryl and Marissa. Merry Christmas.

Barbara Stanwyck is a favorite of mine, too. I always marvel at how the tough dame of "Double Indemnity" can turn into the terrorized heiress in "Sorry, Wrong Number." She was as perfect in noir ("Witness to a Murder") as in the great comedies of Sturges and Capra. A Stanwyck festival what we need. Thank you, Michael, for a wonderful post -- reminding me of "Christmas in Connecticut" and alerting me to "Remember the Night," which I now can't wait to see. I wonder if the movie includes the Irving Berlin ballad "Remember," the chorus of which begins "remember the night."

Hey Michael. I hope you enjoy the capote, segmented as it is. And I'm truly looking forward to the Stanwyck flicks, those I haven't seen and those seen far too long ago. Thanks for the recommendations and thoughtful posts, and your moving close to the entry above. Lovely.

Remember the Night" is on Turner Classic Movies tomorrow evening (Christmas eve) at 8 PM East Coast time.

The ending of "Meet John Doe" makes me blubber like a baby every time. You have to know what it's like to beg a man you love to give life and hope one more chance (and on Christmas Eve yet!) to feel its full force.

But "Christmas in Connecticut" is a joy too. I'm sorry we're not as sentimental as we used to be.

You're not alone, Christopher.

brings back the xmas spirit and mood

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I left it
on when I
left the house
for the pleasure
of coming back
ten hours later
to the greatness
of Teddy Wilson
"After You've Gone"
on the piano
in the corner
of the bedroom
as I enter
in the dark

from New and Selected Poems by David Lehman


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